Wednesday 4 April 2012

Recent News

As you must already know, Acchan has announced her graduation to the shock of fans, sponsors & staffers alike. Obviously I also got struck with denial after I heard the announcement, since then I've stopped writing as I try to recover from this blunt force trauma. And today she announced she'll be withdrawing from the 4th Sosenkyo (General Election) in a statement through the official Channel of AKB in Youtube and her G+ account. I sincerely I', sadden by her choice, but I'll firmly continue to support her. I'm a declared Yukirin fan, but I'm also a super Acchan fan, since because of her and beginner I came in contact with as true Acchan fan I'll be closely looking to her development in the harsh entertainment world, though AKB won't be the same. It was somewhat expected with disbelief that Acchan was going to withdraw from the Sosenkyo, but she has stated so. I'll keep supporting AKB, but AKB is not going to be the same, and of course the 27th single won't have the usual excitement and feel. Here is the video前田敦子より総選挙について / AKB48[公式] - YouTube, I'll resume once I garnered courage and regain my sanity! So like Arnold Schwarzenegger once said: I'll BE BEACK!!! *cries*Accccccccchhhhhhhhhaaaan!! *sobs, sobs and cries more*